Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Zoho Launches Canvas, The Industry-First Design Studio to Re-envision The CRM Experience For Enterprises

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Canvas brings consumer-level simplicity to the CRM user experience through a no-code design studio, increasing CRM adoption rates

Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, announced Canvas for Zoho CRM, a one-of-a-kind design studio for CRM personalisation. Canvas enables businesses to create their own CRM interfaces that are better suited to the role of each employee, without IT or developer involvement. It helps simplify complex CRM implementations into streamlined and contextual employee-facing experiences.

Data and workflow customisation can render a CRM system too complex for most employees and personalising the CRM for each employee's role involves too much development effort and cost. As a direct result of this complexity, productivity drops, employees become disengaged, CRM adoption struggles, and ROI can suffer. With Canvas, companies of all sizes can avoid these issues and enjoy the breadth of functionality offered by a general-purpose CRM and the specialised experience offered by a vertical CRM.

With Canvas, Zoho's customer experience platform continues to focus on building a system of experiences that simplifies the experience economy for brands and every stakeholder. From planning and creating diverse customer experiences to delivering and evolving them for the future, Zoho's programmable customer experience solution helps organisations of all sizes enable employee productivity, improve stakeholder collaboration, and increase customer success.

"A lot of CRM software already offers an abundance of personalisation for customer experiences, but the same is not true for employee experiences. As a result, everyone's using the same system and paying the productivity tax for no reason." said Gibu Mathew, VP & GM, APAC, Zoho Corporation, "Imagine a reality where the system is tailor-made for each employee's role. That is true all-around personalisation, and that's what we're bringing to market with Canvas. We believe it's a more natural solution to the challenge of software adoption. Our ultimate aim is for businesses to create enterprise-wide software experiences with consumer-grade simplicity."

Canvas Capabilities Include:

● Drag and Drop Editor - Canvas sports a simple drag and drop editor that facilitates designing without needing to write a single line of code.

● Template Gallery - Customers can pick a preset template that speaks to them and their industry, and dive right in.

● Industry relevant views - Companies can create views that are relevant to their industry, their work culture, their sales process, and more.

● Self-service via Portals - Customers can also share Canvas creations over portals and create a better experience for vendors, stakeholders, and more.

● Role-based assignment - Companies can assign different Canvas views based on roles, responsibilities, and teams in their company.

● Extensive Formatting - Canvas also houses a wide range of formatting options to edit the finer details of a view, and can load styles dynamically based on conditions.

The Southeast Asian region has witnessed an uptake in mid-market and enterprise companies moving to more modern business software applications, notes a report by Mordor Intelligence, published in March 2021. This is largely driven by the need to enhance business process and enrich customer experience; these needs were further exacerbated with the onset of the pandemic. Adoption of CRM solutions is at the forefront of technology investment for companies. The introduction of Canvas for Zoho CRM aims to simplify the adoption experience for Zoho CRM users.

For more information on further capabilities here:

Additional information about the Zoho CX Platform can be found at

Watch the demo here!

Customer Statements:

"In my company, we have different teams for data input and data checking. With the monotonous layout, it took us a lot of time to find out where and what was filled. With Canvas for Zoho CRM, the display became sharper which in turn reduced the confirmation time and made the checking process fun." - Chie Kusama, Division Digital Advisor, Digital Creative Net Inc.

"We've been wanting to enhance the display of our CRM for quite some time and with Canvas that will be a reality! Canvas makes visualising all our data easy, drawing attention to essential information quickly and efficiently. We look forward to seeing productivity gains once we can push it to our entire sales team." - Julie Doris, Director of Sales and Operations, Rain for Rent.

Pricing and Availability

Canvas will be available across all paid editions of Zoho CRM, at no additional cost. Zoho believes that every CRM user deserves a better experience and stands for supporting the CRM community, which is why Zoho is offering Canvas free of charge to Zoho CRM customers.

In the coming years, Canvas is also poised to be implemented into all Zoho products so that users can experience a consistent, cohesive experience across the Zoho ecosystem.

Zoho Privacy Pledge

Zoho ensures a level of confidentiality that no other vendors in the industry can guarantee. Zoho does not allow any third-party trackers to monitor usage behavior and never sells any data to ad-based companies. Because Zoho owns and has built its entire technology stack, the company is able to offer the most secure experience to its 60 million users without any compromise on data privacy. Zoho CRM users have the assurance that their data is confidential and protected, and only users themselves maintain ownership of that data.

About Zoho

With 50+ apps in nearly every major business category, including sales, marketing, customer support, accounting and back office operations, and an array of productivity and collaboration tools, Zoho Corporation is one of the world's most prolific software companies.

Zoho is privately held and profitable with more than 9,000 employees. Zoho is headquartered in Austin, Texas with international headquarters in Chennai, India. Additional offices are in the United States, India, Japan, China, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates.

Zoho respects user privacy and does not have an ad-revenue model in any part of its business, including its free products. More than 60 million users around the world, across hundreds of thousands of companies, rely on Zoho every day to run their businesses, including Zoho itself. For more information, please visit

These Titas are Totally Trending on TikTok!

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Good vibes and positivity abound on TikTok, the leading destination for short-form mobile videos. On this platform, anyone can express themselves creatively and freely - Aunties and titas included! In fact, some of the best entertaining comedy videos on TikTok are those created by titas and titas at heart. While titas literally translates to aunt or aunty in English, the meaning of tita has evolved over time. These days, women in their 20's and 30's refer to themselves as titas, too, when they emulate characteristics and behaviors of typical middle-aged Filipino aunts, such as meeting up for brunch with their girlfriends, carrying large purses filled with tita essentials like tissue, hand sanitizer and mentholated balms, as well as choosing wine as their preferred drink for unwinding at the end of the day. So, who are these titas who have been entertaining and spreading joy on TikTok? Here are four favorites that you can check out.

Tita G

Need help figuring out the latest slang words so you can keep up with your younger friends, nephews and kids? Tita G has you covered! Learn about all things tita when you follow this funny working millennial creator on TikTok.

Aunt Julie 

Everyone's favorite tita, Auntie Julie, is one of comedy creator Macoy Dubs' popular characters on TikTok. Donning her signature pearl necklace, a staple tita accessory, Auntie Julie parodies stereotypical Filipino tita behavior, to the delight of Macoy Dubs' followers.

Petra Mahalimuyak

We all have that one aunt who is known for giving lavish gifts. Comedy creator, Petra Mahalimuyak, practices how to become that type of cool tita in this funny video.

Tiyang Amy

Veteran actress, Amy Perez, is known as Tiyang Amy, which means Auntie Amy, by her friends and colleagues in the industry. She frequently shares fun and funny tita moments, just like this one, with her followers on TikTok.

Have you followed your favorite titas on TikTok yet? Download the app on your iOS and Android devices today to get started.

Gigil #PandemicEffect: Belo ad criticized for body shaming and insensitivity

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

OMFG! Sobrang insensitive ng bagong @belobeauty and @GigilGroup na #PandemicEffect ad. Hindi ito nireview man lang? Sobrang out of touch neto and should've stayed in the drafts. Promoting body shaming?

Whoever conceptualized the #PandemicEffect ad for Belo should have a thorough evaluation of themselves--- or kung hindi sa kanya, a thorough evaluation of their target consumers. Napaka tone deaf.  

Belo's newest ad is making us ask: Why are you shaming women into conforming to beauty standards during a *pandemic*?

The Belo Medical Group was criticized for a video ad portraying a woman who "let herself go" during the pandemic. They said the ad was "just a reminder...that if you’re ready to make the decision to take care of yourself again, we are here to help."

Why do we have this kind of ad when we’re in the middle of pandemic… when our livelihoods are threatened and our family and friends are either dying or in grave danger.

While I get the insighting behind this, the ad became distasteful & insensitive because of how the messaging was presented. The #PandemicEffect has been real and serious, and it shouldn’t be trivialized. For a lot of people, this meant losing jobs and loved ones.

It’s done in poor taste :( #PandemicEffect pls do better.


I can really think of nothing more sinister than capitalizing on how one’s physical appearance naturally changes during a pandemic or what Belo dubs as the “#PandemicEffect” being synonymous with the “ugliest versions of ourselves”. Poorly done on production team’s end + on Belo.

the #PandemicEffect not only affected our physical health but our mental health as well, felt like those with depression and hormonal disorders (eg. PCOS) have been mocked by this ad, which aims to capitalize on insecurities. how was this approved in the first place,?? in 2021???

The pandemic is stressful enough as it is and preying on consumers’ insecurities isn’t helping either. To paraphrase and add to the words of the beautiful @143redangel—“Ang katawan at ang mukhang ito ay marami nang pinagdaanan”.

We should celebrate the fact that we have remained healthy despite and in spite of the pandemic. We can advocate for self-care and healthy living without preying on skin-deep insecurities. This is what the #PandemicEffect should be all about.

Hello @belobeauty and @GigilGroup, I hope you realize how absolutely out of touch, tasteless, and insensitive that recent ad is. Not only does it send the complete opposite message of what your PR says the ad intended to, it also ignores what the "#PandemicEffect" is for many.

The #PandemicEffect is our highest rates of unemployment, vaccine inequality, etc. but no you had to sell your product by positioning a woman who’s grown out her body hair as representative of all this, who also holds responsibility to make herself beautiful in the face of it all.

People lost jobs. Businesses went bankrupt. Most countries went on recession. Family and friends died. Others succumbed to mental illness. Lives were permanently changed. That is the real #PandemicEffect.

Not that you got fat and if you did there is nothing wrong with that.

You can promote self-care without (1) exploiting insecurities and (2) trivializing the #PandemicEffect, which affected our lives in ways we never have imagined. @belobeauty's ad just mocked, even invalidated, our struggles of surviving this pandemic. So out of touch, disgusting.

To the creatives and marketing management of Belo, we're sorry but no one fell for your crap. The #PandemicEffect is natural, acne, body hair, losing/gaining weight etc. is all natural. Stop profiting from our insecurities! 

The #PandemicEffect is people losing their loved ones, their jobs, their livelihoods, their homes, their friends.

The #PandemicEffect is also losing so many of the coping mechanisms that could have helped people pull through.

But we're all stuck that's the #PandemicEffect.

This won't hurt their sales anyway. People who are privileged enough will still choose to to avail their services, and tayo? magsa-suffer na lang sa #PandemicEffect
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