Monday, December 26, 2022

Maintenance Medications 101: What They Are and How Do You Take Them Safely

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

There are many types of medicines, based on a variety of factors. For example, if you base it on preparations, there are liquids, tablets, capsules, drops, and injections, among many others.

There are also over-the-counter or OTC medicines and prescription medicines. The former could be bought anytime, anywhere—you can even buy medicine online if you prefer this method of purchase. They are used to treat a variety of symptoms and minor illnesses. The latter, on the other hand, requires a valid prescription from a medical practitioner. You can also buy prescription medicines online; however, do note that not all online drugstores may have the facility to accept and verify digitally submitted prescriptions.

There are also medications issued based on whether the disease is acute or chronic. An acute disease or illness lasts for only a short while and can be treated with either OTC or prescription. Meanwhile, a chronic disease is a lifetime one with symptoms that are usually exclusively treated with prescription medications.

What Are Maintenance Medications?

The general term for medicines prescribed for chronic diseases is “maintenance.” This is because they are used to maintain the person’s health, while dealing with the symptoms of the illness. All maintenance medications are taken regularly, usually multiple times a day. However, there are also certain maintenance medications that may be reduced in frequency and dosage over time.

Most maintenance medications come in the form of tablets or capsules, although there are also a variety of preparations depending on the disease. For example, those living with asthma are usually given a corticosteroid inhaler.

Do note that there are both branded and generic maintenance medications. If you want to save a bit of money, you can opt for the latter. That said, some maintenance medications aren’t available as generics; if there are any issues with availability, make sure to ask your doctor about your options before buying any alternatives.

What Are Some of the Most Common Chronic Diseases or Health Conditions?

There are, sadly, plenty of chronic diseases. Even worse, there are times when two or more of these diseases can occur in one person.

Some of the most common chronic diseases that require treatment include:

● Alzheimer’s disease

● Acid reflux, ulcer, GERD, and similar gastric conditions

● Arthritis

● Asthma

● Allergies

● Depression

● Diabetes

● Fibromyalgia

● Gout

● Hypertension

● High cholesterol

● Immune disorders

● Parkinson’s disease

● Seizure disorders

How Do You Take Maintenance Medications Safely and Ensure Their Effectiveness?

As previously mentioned, maintenance medications are taken regularly. To make sure that they work as intended, you must follow the schedule prescribed by your doctor. You must also follow the correct dosage and administration method. If the instructions say the tablet must not be broken and must be allowed to dissolve on the tongue, do so. In case things are unclear, don’t be afraid to ask for clarifications from your doctor or the pharmacist.

Another important thing about maintenance medications is that you shouldn’t stop taking them abruptly or change the dose. Some drugs don’t have a discontinuation schedule, but most require tapering. So, before making any changes, talk to your doctor immediately so they can make adjustments to your prescription.

Here are other reminders to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your maintenance medications:

Take Your Medicine at the Same Time Each Day

If your doctor doesn’t give you any strict instructions as to when to take your medication, it’s best to take it at the same time each day so you don’t forget about it. Tie it with a habit, say after you wash your face in the morning or before you go to bed. This way, you’ll establish a routine that’s easy to follow.

In case you want to schedule your medication during mealtimes, make sure to check if the medicine should be taken on an empty or full stomach.

Use a Pill Container

It can be difficult to keep track of multiple maintenance medications. To help you stay organized, try using a pill container with compartments. Then, label each compartment with the day and time that you have to take the medicines.

Note that it’s not advisable to use pill containers for a large batch of medications, as this can compromise quality and stability. To avoid such a scenario, transfer only a few pills at a time to the container. In addition, make sure that your hands are clean and dry when making the transfer; wear sterile latex gloves if you must.

Use Visual Reminders

If you’re the type to need a reminder to take medications, try using visual cues like sticky notes. Place these in conspicuous places, such as the refrigerator door. Use bright colors and big letters so your reminders really grab your attention.

Keep Your Medications in Your Carry-On Luggage

For those who have to travel by plane, make sure to bring your medications with you in your carry-on luggage. This is important for a few reasons. First, you need access to your medications so you can take them on schedule. Second, a commercial plane’s cargo hold isn’t the most ideal environment to store medicines. Third, there’s always a risk that your luggage will be lost.

Aside from your medications, you should also bring a copy of your prescription with you. It’s also helpful to have a doctor’s note explaining what your medicines are and why you need them.

Medicines are effective ways to treat symptoms and ensure your good health even if you have a long-term condition. However, you need to use them properly in order to achieve their desired effects. Keep in mind the tips above and, when in doubt, consult your doctor.

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