Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Top 10 Health Benefits of Fresh Food

Wazzup Pilipinas!

A healthy diet includes a broad range of vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, good fats, starches, and whole grains. You also need to avoid foods that have high amounts of sugar and salt if you want to eat healthy. This article will help you to understand the top health benefits of fresh food.

Weight Loss

Weight lose can assist you to minimize the chances of chronic conditions. A person who is obese or overweight is at risk of developing conditions such as some cancers, poor bone density, diabetes, and the heart disease. Whole fruits and vegetables are low in calories in comparison to processed foods. People who want to lose weight must minimize the intake of calories.

Reduced Cancer Risk

Unhealthy eating can lead to obesity which in increases the risk of an individual developing cancer. You can reduce this risk by weighing within a health range. Diets that are rich in vegetables and fruits will protect you against the risk of cancer. Trials in human beings have proven this to be a true fact.

Management of Diabetes

To manage diabetes, you need to lose weight, manage your blood glucose levels, and keep cholesterol and blood pressure within the target range. All these benefits will delay or prevent diabetes. People who have diabetes should limit the intake of foods that have a lot of salt and sugar content. You should also avoid fried foods that are high in trans and saturated fats.

Stroke Prevention and Heart Health

A large proportion of individuals have at least one form of cardiovascular disease. These conditions typically involve the blood vessels and heart. We can prevent most of the premature deaths that arise from stroke and heart diseases by making relevant lifestyle changes. Some of these changes include eating healthy and increasing the levels of physical activities. For instance, vitamin E prevents the clotting of blood that can lead to heart attacks. Some of the foods that contain vitamin E include green vegetables, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and almonds. It’s good to eat healthy if you want to prevent stroke and heart diseases such as the coronary heart disease.

The Next Generations’ Health
Children learn health related behaviors from the older people who are around them. Therefore, we need to model healthy eating and exercising behaviors in our kids. Children should learn to eat more fruits and vegetables and less of foods that are rich in sugars. Children who also participate in cooking and gardening at home have a high chance of making the best lifestyle and dietary choices. You can also expose them to onlinehealth News so that they can follow them from an early age.

Strong Teeth and Bones

A diet that has sufficient supply of magnesium and calcium leads to strong teeth and bones. Strong bones will help to prevent osteoarthritis and osteoporosis later in life. Some of the foods that are rich in calcium include legumes, tofu, canned fish with bones, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cereals, plant-based milks, and low-fat dairy products. There is an abundant supply of magnesium in several foods like whole grains, seeds, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.

Better Mood

There is a very close relationship between mood and diet. Diet that has high glycemic load can increase the symptoms of fatigue and depression. Such a diet includes several refined carbohydrates like biscuits, white bread, cakes, and soft drinks. On the contrary, whole grains, whole fruits, and vegetables have low contents of glycemic load. Therefore, a healthy diet can improve your overall mood. However, people who have depression should seek medical attention.

Improved Memory

Health diet help in preventing cognitive decline and dementia. These benefits arise from fish, polyphenols and flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D, C, and E. The Mediterranean diet has most of these benefits.

Improved Gut Health

The colon has several bacteria that occur naturally that help in digestion and metabolism. Some bacteria strains produce vitamins B and K that benefit the colon. These bacteria strains also help in fighting harmful viruses and bacteria. A diet that is high in fat and sugar and low in fiber alters the gut microbiome which increases inflammation in that region. On the contrary, a diet that is rich in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables has a combination of probiotics and prebiotics to support the thriving of good bacteria in the colon. Fermented foods like kefir, miso, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt are loaded with probiotics. Fiber is an easy to access prebiotic that has an abundant supply of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes. Also, fiber promotes the movement of bowel and this can assist in preventing diverticulitis and bowel cancer. You can get some of these details from onlinehealth News.

Getting Good Sleep at Night

Several factors like apnea can disrupt your sleeping patters. Sleep apnea takes place when there is a repeated blockage of airways while sleeping. Some of the risk factors for this include eating of unhealthful diet, drinking alcohol, and obesity. You can also have a restless sleep when you reduce the intake of caffeine and alcohol whether you have sleep apnea or not.

Author Bio: Ariana enjoys blogging and nurtures interest on all most all topics. She contributes in many reputed blogs, social platforms and makes her living as a content writer. She is Content Writer of Viacon

6 Furniture Promotions You Should Never Miss

Wazzup Pilipinas! 

Purchasing furniture can be quite a costly affair especially without prior planning. Planning is critical because that way you can organize to make your purchase during promotion periods. I recall a time I had to attend dinner at a friend's place. It was more of a friends’ affair, so a couple of us were gathered having fun and enjoying ourselves. I couldn't help but notice her amazing sofas, and I just had to compliment them and make some inquiries. She mentioned the store, maintenance, and price. It was then that one of our companions was left cursing. She had the exact furniture, although a different color and at almost double the price!

What made the big difference? It’s all about taking advantage of the discounts and offers by the furniture stores. Getting quality furniture will require you to part with a significant amount of cash, but the various discounts deals can help ease that burden.

Here’s a list of 6 furniture promotions that you should never miss:

Raffles and Giveaways

Well, frankly high-end furniture stores tend to have slow traffic most of the year considering the tough economic times we are in. Although sales will spike during certain periods, it may not be enough to keep the place running. Raffles and giveaways are among ways such stores maintain the traffic. Customers ought to take advantage of such since they get to purchase beautiful high quality furniture for less.

Black Friday

Black Friday is celebrated across the globe, with prices dipping for the majority of products furniture included. During black Friday you can purchase furniture, household and electronic goods for half or even less the standard rate. It's all a matter of proper planning and timing.

Customer Appreciation Events

The best stores take the time to appreciate their customers. Invite your clientele and provide refreshments. Food can be quite an enticer. You'll have a higher chance of maintaining and adding to your customer list. During such events, the furniture pricing will be less by a couple of digits and which customers are encouraged to take advantage of.

Discounts and Coupons

"Are you a first-time customer? Then we have a 10% discount for you." You've probably come across that phrase in several stores. That is just one of the many discounts alternatives provided by furniture stores. There are also coupons especially when you go online. For example, the #1 Nolah Mattress Coupons company makes it cheaper for you when making a purchase. Such promotions make it possible for customers to purchase high-end quality products for less.

Free Shipping

Sometimes, the discounts that furniture stores provide may not warrant a purchase due to other logistic issues such as shipping among others. Many stores have gone the extra mile and will offer free shipping which significantly reduces the prices of goods. All customers need to take advantage of such an opportunity.

Holiday Offers

During the holidays is probably the best time to make your purchase. The pricing of the majority of furniture items will reduce by a significant amount, in some cases $200 or more. Whether it's Labor Day, Christmas and so on, you'll buy furniture for less. Find out the holidays in your country, and get to make your purchase cheaply.

So, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get a discount the next time you go mattress shopping. Stores will run numerous promotions to woo customers and move products fast.

5 Reasons to Watch The Daily Buzz Show

Wazzup Pilipinas!

We live in a society where being in the know is what propels us forward. The Daily Buzz Show offers its audience precisely that. I was still quite young when the show first came on air more than a decade ago. It aired on the CW network for 13 years hosted by Kia Malone and Lance Smith before taking a 2-year hiatus. Last year, thanks to Pop, one of the CW networks; it was back on the air with a bang hosted by the original anchors. Joining them is a host of other entertainment reporters from Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and Seattle. It’s available via satellite and cable networks in the US market.

Here are 5 reasons why you ought to turn on Pop TV every Thursday at 8.30 in the morning:

It’s Not a Trial and Error Situation

Nothing bores like having to watch a show which has no idea what the audience yearns for. I have had an opportunity to watch a couple of similar other programs, and I must say the Daily Buzz Show is the icing on the cake. They are not experimenting to establish what the audience will want or not since they have been on the air for a while they have the experience and will package the relevant content appropriately. It's evident from the show's timing that they are aware of the viewer's preferences. Well, they did retain the same time slot from before the break.

Perfect News Packaging and Delivery

I despise watching depressing content and so do the majority of individuals especially as early as 8.30 in the morning. It will just ruin the rest of the day rendering you unproductive. It’s not a matter of hiding from the reality of life but rather having a preference for uplifting content and seeing the good in the bad. The Daily Buzz TV is not like your everyday shows. They dwell on the good and strive to find it in society even when everything seems grim. Not that they won’t deliver sad content, they will, but in a manner that doesn’t depress you.

Get to Know Your Celebs

If you want to know the latest buzz about your favorite celeb, the daily buzz tv is your go-to option. In the 30 minutes the show airs, they interview celebs, go through their profiles and give us a bit of gossip on the latest. So, if you're into celeb news, this is the show for you.

The Daily Buzz Show is Online

Partly why the number of viewers is growing steadily is their interactive nature. They interact with the audience on various social media handles answering their every question which is critical in today's world. We are here physically, but our lives are online, making social media an integral part of us. The Daily Buzz Show has taken advantage of this and uses social media to interact with the audience.

Quality Content

I was skeptical at first of watching a show whose primary domain is celebrity news and gossip. However, this show will blow your mind. They focus on a whole range of topics which include fashion, lifestyle, health, sports, travel, and finance among others.

If you’re looking for an exciting show to keep you both busy and entertained on a Thursday morning, tune in to the Daily Buzz Show. It’s entertaining, informative and relevant. You’ll definitely love the show.
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