Monday, August 14, 2017

Challenge Accepted: Bloggers Need to Level Up to Deserve a Spot as Credible and Competent Media

Wazzup Pilipinas!
"Look, everyone invested in this thread seems to want a seat at the big boys table. And, why not? There is money to be made, opportunities to be mined, goals to be met (whether you're in it for a byline, a paycheck, a commission, a sponsorship, an endorsement deal). But realize that this is a competition. We are not here to hold hands and sing Hamilton songs in unison while gazing at each other. We are here to ensure that we are experts in our chosen beat because that is how we add value for our readers. I, for one, would love to read about a pasta called Croxetti, in the hopes of tasting some one day on the strength of a writer's informed recommendation. I would skip a half-assed "This is what I did today" puff piece, which only really works if you're a celebrity living under a fanbase microscope (Tangina, almusal ni Benedict Cumberbatch kanina adobo flakes! Shookt!)." - Karlo Samson
The intention of a trad or mainstream media for posting the story below on his Facebook wall is probably good. However, some of the side comments of this thread starter and most of the comments from his Facebook friends are not. It only put bloggers (both his friend and the two others) in a bad light because we can see here that it's a blogger sharing negative stories about other bloggers who met at an event.

There is something wrong when a guest questions why there seems to be other guests that are not fit for an event they were all invited at. Do not question anybody's presence because maybe you are the one who is not appropriate for the event....or they are special friends with the event organizers...Lol!

The thread starter also cited social media feeds where PR companies can be seen asking bloggers to sign-up at their events in exchange of GCs, and likewise cited bloggers asking for others to represent them at events. He never mentioned what's wrong with those incidents but he must be somehow implying that those were unusual or wrong.

Though another fear of this mainstream media is that the same type of clueless bloggers may finally get the chance to enter Malacanang (due to the recent announcement that the government will now start accepting bloggers as valid media), he forgets that the same issues he has cited has been around for ages even for trad media. We all know also that even the President himself questions trad media's credibility. Now that the government is considering bloggers, there might be some people threatened to further lose opportunities for their publication.

Wazzup with the "Freebies that end up for sale or for barter online" statement? Is he trying to insinuate that there are bloggers that only exists for freebies?

Bear in mind that we are not trying to make this a bloggers-versus-trad media issue, it just so happens that the thread starter is a member of the media and people involved in the issue he raised are bloggers:

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Heartwarming Comedy “Playing House” Returns for New Season on Sony Channel

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Season 3 premieres August 20, Sundays at 7:30pm

Your favorite “sisters” continue their adventures as their friendship faces its biggest challenge yet in the new season of the comedy series Playing House, which premieres on Sony Channel this August.

Childhood best friends Maggie Caruso (Lennon Parham) and Emma Crawford (Jessica St. Clair) are back, and they are bringing their fun friends with them.

In the new season, the tables are turned as Emma needs all the support she can have from Maggie after she is diagnosed with breast cancer. With the people who love her by her side, Emma undergoes treatment and emerges somehow happier and more fulfilled than she has ever been.

Despite their differences, Maggie and Emma get through the hard times as they complement each other the way only best friends can - by facing the challenges of their past, present and future together.

Playing House Season 3 premieres August 20 and airs every Sunday at 7:30pm, part of ROFLing Sundays first and exclusive on Sony Channel.

Sony Channel is available on SKYCable Channel 35, Destiny Cable Channel 62, Cignal Channel 120, G Sat Channel 48, and Cablelink Channel 39.

Online Tax Assistance Platform Taxumo is the First Digital Startup to Get Four-Year Tax Holiday from BOI

Wazzup Pilipinas!

As part of the government’s thrust to spur the digital startup industry and technological innovations in the Philippines, pioneering online tax assistance platform Taxumo was recently granted a four-year income tax holiday so it can focus its resources on growing its business. 

This recent move makes Taxumo the first digital startup firm approved by the Board of Investments (BOI) under the 2017 IPP (Investment Priorities Plan.) 

Taxumo is an easy online tax filing and payment web app that revolutionizes tax processing for Filipino solo entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and freelancers. Says EJ Arboleda, Taxumo’s CEO: “We are grateful that the BOI has given the attention to Taxumo, which sets a precedent for the tech startup industry to get the support it needs to move forward, which in turn will generate jobs and ease business operations. We are proud to be leading the way for the industry.” 

“Digitalization is a great equalizer that levels the playing field among small and large firms. Adopting an innovation-led business model, like the integration of digital strategies and e-commerce, enables MSMEs to scale-up their status and become competitive in the long run,” Trade Secretary and BOI Chairman Ramon M. Lopez said. 

“We must effectively tap the potential of MSMEs as it forms a significant part in of our country’s growth resurgence and nurturing them not just as backbones of our economy but also one of the prime movers of both domestic and regional growth.” 

Trade Undersecretary and BOI Managing Head Ceferino Rodolfo said: “BOI supports entrepreneurial startups as an engine for economic development and as a key driver of economic diversification and job creation. While the Philippine start-ups sector is at a nascent stage, our large young internet-savvy population and growing economy make the country a hot-bed for technology-driven activities.” 

He stressed “the need to have a forward thinking mentality that is anchored on providing entrepreneurs and startups with the necessary support to start and grow right from the earliest stages of development.” 

Through Taxumo, users simply enter their income and expenses in the system regularly, which then provides real-time information on tax dues. 

This will also be a great help for independent contractor taxes. The platform also autofills the relevant tax forms (BIR Form 2551M for Monthly Percentage Tax Payments, Form 1701Q for Quarterly Income Tax Payments, and soon, Form 1701 for Annual Income Tax Payments) with calculations based on the data entered by the user. 

From there, they can easily file and pay their tax dues online through Taxumo as well. Users can avail of paid subscription packages on the platform, depending on their needs.
Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas Wazzup Pilipinas and the Umalohokans. Ang Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas celebrating 10th year of online presence
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