Friday, July 28, 2017

Lookna for Startups and Small to Medium Scale Businesses

Wazzup Pilipinas!

You just launched a startup and need to get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible. The problem is you are not just competing in your industry; you are competing with the millions of other marketing messages that consumers are bombarded with every day. 

Small business owners need to be realistic about their advertising campaigns. Typically, of course, they'll be looking for effective, low-cost solutions, but typically, too, you can have just one or the other; you're unlikely to find a simultaneously effective and inexpensive channel for your ads. is the best option for a start-up business. Simply because you can advertise your products and services for FREE! Lookna provides fair and equal advertising opportunity by providing leverage to small scale business to compete with giant advertisers.

With the use of hyperlocal search engine from Lookna, you should be able to create an accurate target customer profile based on the data you've collected. With this information in hand, and what you know about your current clientele, you can begin to target similar demographics and psychographics with your campaigns to attract more customers. 

Whether you're advertising online or off, make sure your copy and imagery reflect the kind of customers you want to work with. This is key to targeting well. Many small businesses simply have no idea whether their advertising is actually working. This simply won't do.

Online advertising platforms like Lookna provides you with extensive stats related to your ads and will help you determine what is working and what isn't. This doesn't mean that you won't need to test and experiment, as it can take time for you to create an ad that resonates with your target customers, but it does mean that you can make faster decisions about what to try next.

Know when to advertise. At first glance, advertising year-round and spreading out your budget equally month-to-month may appear to be a wise and commonsense approach. But if you think back to your business launch, odds are you did a lot of things that can't be scaled. There's no way for you to sustain a similar marketing and advertising initiative throughout the entire year.

Do outreach yourself: One of the most important steps to an effective startup online advertising strategy is the content promotion. After you produce an incredible piece of branded content you need to amplify that piece of content as much as possible. Leverage your social media profiles, email industry experts, reach out to industry forums, and contribute to other popular sites that your consumers might visit. Invest a few hours a week to outreach or off-site writing and your startup will begin to gain traction.

Use your resources well. You know the importance of ranking well in search, but you may simply not have the resources and time to consistently create new, informative content for your website. Make an honest assessment of the resources available to you, and leverage them in a way that helps you grow your business.

Lookna promises that all services and listings that you will see in Lookna are accurate and from a legit business owner. The Advertiser account allows you to create your business listings to promote your business online. Searchers can then view your ads, know the services you offer and can contact you directly

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1 comment:

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