Sunday, April 11, 2021

Importance of Multiplication Tables for Students

Wazzup Pilipinas!?

Multiplication is not just required to get good grades in school but is a lifelong skill that makes daily-life activities much easier. Multiplication, addition, division, and subtraction are the primary mathematical operations. The usual school curriculum promotes students to memorize a multiplication table without understanding the concept behind it. Thus, it is necessary to avail an institution that believes in instilling strong mathematical foundations. Especially when it comes to young minds, they have to get the proper guidance in order to improve their speed and accuracy while multiplying numbers.

Cuemath is one such online educational platform that helps students clear their basic concepts. The certified tutors use math games, free & interactive multiplication worksheets, puzzles, etc., to help kids visualize a particular topic. They allow students to work at their own pace and combine fun with learning. In addition to this, they make a topic relatable by providing real-life examples and outlining the vitality of that topic hence, creating a holistic learning environment.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of multiplication and how it helps to develop a student’s auxiliary skills.
1. Mental Arithmetic

Once a student understands how to multiply, he can easily memorize charts such as multiplication tables from 1 to 20. It helps him to solve complicated problems within seconds. As multiplication is the repeated addition of numbers, he also improves his ability to add numbers. As children become accustomed to working with tables, they can visualize the answers to questions. Thus, as a student’s mind gets conditioned to solving problems using mental arithmetic, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems will be like a cakewalk.
2. Building Blocks

There are many higher-order topics that use multiplication as a building block. Algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and so on require heavy use of this topic. As students build a strong conceptual understanding of multiplication, they find it easy to understand concepts related to other sister topics. Learning Mathematics is a step by step process. By having crystal clear concepts of simpler topics working with more complicated ones comes naturally to children.
3. Increase Confidence

As kids get more comfortable in solving problems on multiplication, they can boost their confidence. They do not have to use a pen and paper or fingers to count numbers and multiply them. They have fluency in the topic and can instantly produce answers when required. Thus, the daily use of multiplication starts coming naturally to them. In addition to this, overcome their fear of Mathematics.
4. Real-life Applications

Multiplication is used in almost all real-life situations. For example, say you go to the grocery store and want to buy 10 bananas. Each banana costs $0.2. If you do not know how to multiply and find the total value, there are chances that the shopkeeper might cheat. Hence, by doing simple multiplication, i.e., $0.2 * 10 = $2, you can easily compute the value of all the bananas and ensure that you are paying the right amount of money.
5. Promotes a Sense of Numbers

In Mathematics, most instances require manipulation of numbers. Whether you are solving a straightforward sum or a complicated word problem, you always have to work with various forms of numbers. Thus, it is necessary to develop a strong number sense. Learning about multiplication and the associated tables helps to develop these skills.

Multiplication is an amazing tool that helps to solve problems quickly. By understanding its importance at a young age, kids can get motivated to study the topic. Hopefully, this article gives you an insight into why you should learn about multiplication, and I hope you have fun learning about it.

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