Saturday, October 3, 2020

#TrumpHasCovid: US President Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19!

Wazzup Pilipinas!

"President Donald Trump and his Wife Melania have tested positive for Coronavirus. They have also started quarantine process for immediate recovery."

Because what goes around comes around. 

I know there’s some high and noble thing we’re supposed to say here. 

But I’m not nobility. 

And I won’t be high until after I leave the office at 5:30 for Happy Hour!

I’m guessing trump’s first clue something was wrong is when he couldn’t taste his double quarter pounder with cheese and large fries from McDonald’s.

President downplays coronavirus for months. Says it will go away like magic. Same president contracts coronavirus. 

It just goes to show that it might take a while, but if you screw enough women without a condom, someone’s gonna get pregnant eventually. Lol!

We will get through this collectively with memes and funny videos.

Pretty sure The Simpson’s have got most things right so far!  

Though I enjoy this idea immensely, alas, there was never an episode of the Simpsons where Trump dies.

To his supporters calling anti-trumpers “evil” for karma comments, don’t forget these were his words just 6 years ago:

I have seen a lot of vile comments from the left wishing death on the President & his wife. They all have lost their humility & have become the very thing they pretend to be against; HATE in its purest form! 

The level of evil here is mind blowing!

NO! I DON'T want him to die. But get EVERY SYMPTOM millions of others have suffered, and be on a respirator.....and then suffer the long term problems many are having, but be WELL ENOUGH to go to JAIL for tax fraud. Noo. Not dead. But hope he wishes he would be.

There is no respect for the office of President. We should not wish death and suffering on anyone even if we don’t believe in their politics it should not matter. Where is the humanity?

We have respect for the office, but not for the man in the office currently. He needed to earn our respect and blew almost every opportunity to do so.

I understand wanting him to be held accountable for his actions and words. Leaders good and bad are still human. 

However, just like how the President of the Philippines took for granted this Corona virus and thus did not order an immediate lockdown for foreign entry, this bloviating idiot stood there on the debate stage mocking @JoeBiden for wearing masks while he quite possibly was already infected with the coronavirus he got precisely because he mocks masks.

He literally has killed 200,000 Americans by not taking this seriously. Picking on people for wearing mask. When his own team said that masks could’ve saved almost 100,000 of the lives that are gone.

The right wing literally had posters that had Obama with a noose, hanging. They literally wanted him dead! Trump denied the worldwide pandemic, defied Science, mocked masks, and enabled 200K+ deaths.

Forgive me for not caring about someone who said “it is what it is” about 200,000+ Covid deaths in the US. Where was his humility in that moment. 

He is undeserving of respect until he earns it. It's not about politics, it's about the individual. He never shows any humanity, in fact he is inhuman in my opinion. He just doesn't have it in him.

Yes, I hope God watches over them to ensure natural consequences hit them hard. I'm not on the "left" so no need for idiots to respond with comments related.  I'm just a person who thinks we Reap What We Sow, just as the Bible says. It is what it is.

Of course. We all reap what we sow. Some sooner rather than later and some consequences are worse, but it always catches up to us one way or another. At the same time, our anger and words are a result of him being mean and hateful and not valuing human life. God sees it all.

I don't wish him ill, but he is responsible for thousands of deaths in his Country. My problem is that he tells so many lies. I'm not sure this isn't just another one.

Joe Biden wears masks. Joe Biden does not have Coronavirus. Be like Joe.

"Trump supporters loved when he mocked Hillary Clinton's illness. Now that he's sick, they're shocked (shocked!) that some of his critics are being 'mean' to him."

Trump is 74-years-old, has high cholesterol, and is obese.  

He's squarely medically obese. No debate on this within the health community.

Yet, he will continue to enjoy first-class medical treatment on the taxpayers' dime, even as he simultaneously fights to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

And because of his great healthcare, he will likely recover and say it was nothing--making things worse for the rest of us.

Though this is the perfect opportunity for him to prove his original contention that HCL works well enough to be an official treatment.

I’d like to repeal and replace his act. That earns a follow!

Ex-Trump official Miles Taylor told CNN overnight that the White House takes COVID-19 safety less seriously than his local Starbucks.

He purposely downplayed the virus, encouraged Science deniers and anti maskers, held super spreader rallies, took no precautions but yet the taxpayers who have little or no healthcare of their own are paying the bill! 

But Hey! To be fair, he paid his $750...TWICE! That should cover it!

PREDICTION: Trump will drop out of the 2020 race. You heard it here first. 

Question for the lawyer: can he drop out without conceding at this point? Can repubs try to run someone else after voting has begun?

Not giving legal advice, but I'd imagine the election will proceed, no matter what. Biden versus someone, maybe Pence?

I think the Republican national committee makes that decision. I assume they already have rules for it, and that Pence would step up.

But, if Pence stepped in, would all the trump votes (so far) be grandfathered to him? Or would they dump all the T votes and start counting from a Pence announcement?

COVID19 is his excuse to fold without looking like a total loser, from the blue wave coming.

He probably does not have Covid. It is  more possibly a tactic he is using to get out of the debates and to claim after that the virus is not that bad.

I used to see him not wanting to go to jail. Winning office keeps him at arms length. But then the Pence pardon. Pence could pardon him if he resigns before the election. Not on State charges.  New York is going to be his big problem.

I have been wondering what Pence's gain is for pardoning him - why would he? What dirt does DT have on him for that to be a guarantee? Once he's not President, does Pence care?

Going off that, if Pence replaced Trump in election...the people who crossed over to Biden supporters side may go back thinking Pence is a normal republican they could vote for. 

I think trumpism is done. Some may go back, but most will go forward and stay with Biden.

I hope that is the case. Not so sure the remnants of it can go away now that its out.

Unfortunately, I think it will hang about with the racists groups.


Texas Coast Guard has released the names of the 5 yachts that patriotically dived to bottom of Lake Travis to show their support of Donald Trump:

No Mask
It Is What It Is
The Hoax
Injecting Bleach

#TrumpCovid #TrumpHasCovid 

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