Tuesday, October 13, 2020

InfluenCHEF: Vegetito Levels up from "Grow Your Own Food" to "Cook Your Own Food"

Wazzup Pilipinas!

It should be automatic that after you've learned how to grow your own food, you are also enticed to cook your own food. 

We get a lot of benefits from being not just a Plantito but more specifically as a Vegetito - focused more on growing edible plants like leafy and/or fruiting vegetables, root crops, herbs, fruits and others...then level up into an InfluenCHEF to complete the picture.

If you put the spotlight on my monggo beans planted on recycled upper half of softdrink bottles hanged on the edge of our building. I know it's not much, not enough for a ginisang monggo dish, but these are actually just for my gardening experiments on growing veggies effectively inspite of limited spaces and just using containers as pots, plus the fact that I recycle!

When I get the opportunity to buy a bigger lot or even a hectare to build a farm, then I would already have the knowledge to care for a plant from seeds or cuttings, to the harvest time where we get a bountiful harvest.

So I'm advocating

- Urban gardening without spending so much

- Growing our own food since I focus more on planting vegetables 

- Recycling items to reduce the accummulating trash at our dumps

- Healthy and safe living since you'll be encouraged to eat veggies, and is assured that what you eat came are without any chemical fertilizers and pesticides used, and plants emit oxygen for our breathing of fresh air

- Saving even just a few pesos since you harvest from your own mini garden. Less need to travel to the store or market to buy basic ingredients for your meals

- Stress relief via this productive hobby

Thus, I also started a bitesize livestream containing quick tips and stories that would prove useful for situations like living in a condo or apartment with very little space for gardening. 

Plantito of the Year! Livestream Links:

Episode 1: Recycled Containers as Hanging Pots


Episode 2: Free seeds and pot ideas


Episode 3: Propagating Plants from Cuttings


Episode 4: Using Homemade Fertilizers for a Nutrient-rich Soil


Episode 5: Saving Kitchen Seeds for Planting, and why I advocate being a Plantito / Vegetito


Episode 6: From "Grow Your Own Food" to "Cook Your Own Food" Part 1 and Part 2



Even using seeds coming from kitchen scrap, like ampalaya, chilis, kangkong, kamote, tomatoes, and other frequently used vegetable ingredients, and the seeds of fruits like mangoes, avocados, rambutans, etc., could be grown, nurtured, and be rewarded with a harvest. Even with such little space, we can grow our own food.....and then add those fresh produce for the dishes or viands that we will cook ourselves.

#WazzupPilipinas #UrbanGardening #Plantitos #plantitas #Vegetitos #Vegetitas #PambansangBlogger #ContainerGardening #vegetablegarden

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