Sunday, October 18, 2020

Good Morning Plantitos and Plantitas, Vegetitos and Vegetitas

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Good morning to all Plantitos and Plantitas out there.

Early morning selfie with my veggies in Pasig. 

It's a very small space so I'm maximizing every possible location...but have to live with my I'm alternating my plant variety after every growth and harvest. That's the only way to experience veggies in their abundance. 

Thus, I've grown and harvested mostly leafy vegetables like pechay, mustasa, kangkong, kamote, lettuce, because they are the seeds I still have available given free from the Bureau of Plant Industry. Add some Ladies' Fingers (okra), eggplant (talong), which I've successfully grown but not all fruited.

Malunggay, kangkong, kamote, alugbati from cuttings are good enough as well.

Then seeds from kitchen scraps to grow veggies like ampalaya, bell pepper, onion and garlic leeks, ginger, turmeric, since they are what we often use for cooking. Grown lots of tomatoes but still failed on fruiting them since they have meticulous requirements that I cannot provide at my location.

Also grown seedlings coming from seeds gotten from the fruits we ate, like mango, avocado, rambutan, sampaloc, papaya, calamansi,

Plus some other plants generously given like oregano and aloe vera, including ornamental plants mainly used as decorative.

I've experimented on growing several vines vegetables but they require space which I don't have no trellis or ground area big enough for them to thrive.

I could want more, but just like in everything that we do, too much of everything is bad as well. We need to be contented and appreciative of what we could only have at the moment.

So making do of only what's available. Not giving in to impulse buying especially of those beyond our means. 

I know we are all capable of doing more, but life should not always be about having the best things, it should be about having what we only need.

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