Thursday, October 8, 2020

Barbie posted a video about racism that went viral, and for good reasons

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Barbie is trending right now and that's cool and all, but don't forget that George Floyd's murderers were bailed out of jail.

Yes, the doll posted a video about racism that went viral, and for good reasons.

Barbie supports Black Lives Matter and understands what White Privilege is but President Oompa Loompa doesn’t.

Barbie also said to stop saying sorry if we didn't do anything wrong, stop taking blame that isn't ours to take, stop saying sorry when we're happy or excited about something, stop saying sorry when we're sad.

"Sorry is a learned reflex. And everytime we say sorry, we take away from our self-confidence"

Why would I pay for therapy when I can watch Barbie videos?

You have no idea how much I want to have Barbie's brain and sensitivity.

Barbie is using her platform better than a lot of actual Influencers. lol

There are people who have a platform but sometimes they don’t take the opportunity to speak on things at this depth or level. I just think it’s cool that they’re trying to educate their audience through this.

I know there’s ACTUAL PEOPLE behind the scenes who made Barbie. Yes, she's a fictional character, I know that. But the fact that  through this fictional character, they’re educating people on REAL LIFE ISSUES is just so amazing. Kudos to them for that.

#Barbie  #WazzupPilipinas

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