Monday, May 6, 2019

Top 8 Grammar Apps to Help You Improve Your Writing

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Whether you’re an aspiring writer or simply a college student who would like to earn better grades on their essays, the good news is that there are many ways for you to improve your writing skills. Thanks to technology, there are many different apps and tools you can use in order to achieve this goal.

Improving your writing can be an easy process and you can work on it from wherever you are. Most tools and apps even come with mobile applications so you can use them at any time. Here are some of the best grammar apps you will find on the internet.

Hemmingway Editor App

Hemmingway Editor is an online editor which works in a very unique and easy to use way. It shows you our different types of mistakes through a series of colors with which it colors the incorrect words or phrases.

After some practice with it, you will be able to simply copy and paste your content onto the online form it offers and let the colors correct your mistakes without much effort.


Probably one of the most well-known apps on the list, Grammarly is one of those tools that most people who work with writing have used. This both online and desktop-available app can help you spot grammar and spelling mistakes and any other problem from stylistic errors to repetitive words and phrases and correct use of tenses.

The good news is that there is also a mobile app called Grammarly keyboard, which can help you improve your texts and therefore help you improve your writing on the go.


If you’re looking for an online platform for writers and people in need of writing advice, WoWGrade is the right place for you. Not only is this service hosted by professional writers who have experience in the field, but it also gives you the chance to see exactly how these professionals work and gain valuable experience.

A mobile app for this app is in the making and will be a great help to those who wish to have access to accurate writing information wherever they are.


Sometimes, you need something more than just a simple grammar app in order to really unleash your full writing potential. Evernote is a great note-keeping app which offers a large variety of features. This free to use tool also comes in a mobile form so that you can always keep track of your ideas when you’re on the go.

With Evernote you can keep voice memos, draw doodles of your ideas, include pictures in your notes and do all sorts of other things with it. The app will also help you change some basic grammar and spelling errors by underlining them.

Jotter Pad

Similar to Evernote, this app is a mobile text editor which helps you keep all of your creative thoughts in one place without having to deal with any distractions. At the same time, you can easily sync your app with the Cloud services of your choice and find your content on any device you use.

Another cool thing about this app is that it shows you a word count as well as a way for you to simply export your text into a finalized PDF file and publish it whenever you feel ready.


Another great professional app used by writers and various businesses, Studicus can help you keep up with the latest trends in the writing world. Apart from having someone to ask about your writing issues and difficulties, you will also have the chance to see firsthand how it is to work on a dissertation and correct all the mistakes you might come across.

Studicus is working on releasing a mobile app in the nearest future. The creators of this app wish to be able to provide their followers with the best type of services possible, no matter whether they have access to a laptop or not and a mobile app will truly make this possible.

iA Writer

If you’re finding that your writing is better when you eliminate distractions, you might need to start using a writing app which can help you stay more focused. If you’re concentrated on your work you will very easily be able to spot your grammatical mistakes by yourself and improve your writing in no time.

This plain writing app offer you a clean and simple writing environment which can really help you focus on what’s important. It is available for your desktop as well as your smartphone.


This grammar and language checker is bound to help you spot any and all mistakes from your texts. You can find and use it online, for your desktop and also through an app for your phone. Apart from simply correcting spelling and grammar mistakes, it can help you make your text appear more natural and well-written, as it includes that feature.

Another thing great about this app is that it also gives you access to many different English practice courses which are available in more than 40 different languages. Even if English is not your mother tongue, you will still be able to improve and make this work.

Picking the Right Grammar App for Your Writing Needs

Writing apps might be able to help you catch some mistakes you will be making but they will not help you improve your writing if you don’t make an effort to look into the mistakes you make frequently. The more attention you pay to correcting your mistakes, the easier it will be for you to start making them less and less frequent.

Which of these grammar apps are you looking forwards to trying the most?


Jerry Rhodes is a professional writer for EssaysDeluxe. The love for his profession shows through his actions outside of work as he runs his very own blog under the name “StudyZone”. That is a place where he is able to discuss different issues regarding writing and studying difficulties connecter to writing and offer tips on how people can improve their writing skills without much effort. He always enjoys listening to classical music while creating his posts as it helps him stay inspired and concentrated.


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