Monday, May 21, 2018

AIESEC Proudly Presents the Global Youth Fair

Wazzup Pilipinas!

The Global Youth Fair (GYF), anticipated by many is an annual event of AIESEC in University of Santo Tomas held at the Plaza Mayor, of University of Santo Tomas last April 20, 2018. GYF aims to give Thomasians a glimpse of the different culture and global opportunities of different countries to support any of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and create a positive impact on the world. Despite the sweltering heat on a searing Friday afternoon, the contributors of the event ardently promoted all the opportunities to create awareness.

On this year’s Global Youth Fair, it gave a glimpse of 6 different countries - Mexico, South Korea, Brazil, China, Cambodia, and France, and showcased its cultures and traditions through different booth games in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It allowed the Thomasian community to see the world from a different perspective and to contribute in their simple ways. A different worldview gives rise to a more enriching experience.

Through the different booths themed with a particular country, the Global Youth Fair fulfilled to tie together all the rich cultures as one diverse experience. Each booth exhibited its own unique experience and AIESEC IN UST successfully extended this enriching experience to the delegates through the different opportunities it offers.

Veering towards Climate Change and Quality Education, this event attained to bring to light the most prevalent global issues being faced today and offered different ways to tackle it. The Land of the Morning Calm, also known as Korea, was zealously exhibited in a way that promotes wildlife and calls Thomasians to give it the ample support it deserves. Likewise, Brazil, being home to the world-renowned Amazon Rainforest, served as a platform to advocate for finding efficient and sustainable solutions to climate change and at the same time, increase awareness of the climate threats that this country is facing. China, on the other hand, takes the delegates’ educational abilities to a heightened level by enrapturing them to promote a holistic education in this country and help spark their eagerness to build sustainable communities in the future. Moreover, The Kingdom of Wonder, Cambodia, exposed the delegates to lifelong openings in Cambodia that would bring them to a nation rich in historic and archaeological displays.

Aside from tackling the different Sustainable Development Goals, this event also catered to providing opportunities for the delegates to hone their professional skills and talents. The delegates were made aware of the opportunities that could help them further enhance their professional experience in Western Europe. From the fashion institutions and classical art museums - France exposed delegates to its global technology prowess. On top of that, tapping on the hearts of aspiring Marketing practitioners is Mexico, encouraging all the delegates of Global Youth Fair to exit their comfort zones by broadening their networks all the way to the walls of Mexico.

All these opportunities along with the in-depth preparations of Global Youth Fair’s organizing committee, Thomasians from divergent colleges and faculties gathered to take their first step in maximizing their potential as frontrunners of society. Throughout Global Youth Fair, AIESEC in University of Santo Tomas exhausted all means to draw in as much prospective participants as they possibly could.

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