Wednesday, April 12, 2017

You Can Be Part of the Story ...Only If...

Wazzup Pilipinas!
"Looking for someone who loves attending events, behaves and dresses well, speaks eloquently, and can write about the event within 2 days regardless of how many he or she attended (max of 3 a day.) This is a paid gig. 
People who plagiarize,
People with no breeding,
People who just want lootbags/tokens/freebies,
People who just want to be "seen,"
Do not bother applying.
Email 3 original articles to editor@_____"
Not to speak bad about someone or any group out there but this is just a thought that came in mind when I saw the post above. It made me wonder why they had to specify the negative traits instead of enumerating the positive ones that they prefer to be traits of their new staff members.

I don't know but the post sounded so ..... inappropriate...To even list down the negative traits as their requirements for a blogger or writer is below the belt. It should already be an unwritten qualification for every good person out there. 

But I guess they really wanted to prevent those from even attempting to apply for the gig they flaunted as "paid." What is the rate of a writer getting paid on a monthly, or a per article, basis, anyway? Many would surely want to get paid for the efforts so they would no longer desire to receive the "tokens" ore free lunch, snacks or dinner. Lol!

I believe they should have just listed down the positive requirements to make the position more attractive and friendly.

Does it sound demeaning to those who appreciate the "complimentary" perks and freebies, including raffle prizes and ex-deals, given out by the event organizers and brands?

Does it mean that the existing members of this group are all not plagiarizing even just a little bit of a sentence, paragraph, or idea from a press release or an already existing article?...

Do they 100% behave properly? Do they all speak eloquently and dress well? Or are they looking for someone new because none or not all of them are like that?

Are they hiring someone new to replace their existing staff, or are they looking for additional staff that are better than them?

So does it also mean they are the better breed of individuals...the better breed of writers?

If I post a lot of selfies and photo ops at an event, does it mean I just want to be seen?

I would suggest a rewrite of their wanted ad so many would want to be part of their story, and the rest of us would live happily ever after.

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