Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Third Eye Wellness Center Offers ThetaHealing, Tarot Card Reading and Other Life Enhancing Services

Wazzup Pilipinas!

“Change your beliefs and release the negative emotions, and the physical condition will clear.” This is the core premise of ThetaHealing, one of the services offered by The Third Eye Wellness Center, a mind-body-energy center that focuses on the journey going inward to reflect it outward. Aside from it, they also have Tarot card reading, nail and foot spa. and massage.

They also offer healthy meal choices at their Chakra Cafe - which serves healthy, organic and delicious food. It is a perfect way to start or end your session at the Third Eye Wellness Center. But cleansing and detoxifying our bodies with their organic juices is only the start of what the center offers for their customers.

I must admit I have doubts about what the Third Eye Wellness Center mainly offers as I was brought up to believe in only what Science can prove and explain. It's a bit hard to trust something that could very well be just relying on body movements and other physical gestures seen from the eyes, and other body parts, in order to touch the emotions of their customers.

I have to say that Science and Technology subjects were among my favorites being an Engineering graduate and having years of exposure in Information Technology as a career, it's quite hard for me to believe on something with the presence of a belief of a soul or reincarnation.

For me, life is nothing mysterious as it can be very well explained by Science already. There is nothing magical or supernatural, thus I also believe religion is also nothing more but a belief by ancestors who had less learning about the realities of life back during those days when men can be easily enchanted by things they could not explain.

But they say the ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy - not specific to one religion but accepting them all - with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

So whether we believe also in religion or not, the essence of the ThetaHealing is on our positive well-being so we could live a better life. If that is what it takes to put people in comfort and self-confidence, then that may be something worth looking into. After all, what we know as Science could very well be just like the tip of an iceberg where more needs to be understood just as how there's a lot more to see underneath an iceberg. We are probably just starting to learn about the real essence of life as we are all equally unaware of what lies beyond Science.

Their methods are always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the very powerful “Theta” meditative state, you can actually watch the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique, intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous physical and emotional well-being. 

The ThetaHealing technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health after she healed from cancer instantly. In our visit at the Third Eye Wellness Center, we met 6-month pregnant Sanaiyah Gurnamal as she talks on science, spirituality, healing, and self-development. She persuaded us that their center is the place you can go to for self-development and past life regression sessions. Here is where you could learn how to Meditate!

Many people try for years to be able to meditate; however, most find it extremely challenging to quiet the mind and find that peace within as the mind is conditioned to keep us busy by distracting us. Self-hypnosis makes that easy! A simple yet effective technique, self-hypnosis gives you the tools to meditate at will anytime by allowing you into your subconscious mind.

Through self-hypnosis, you can also master the process of using suggestions to change your belief systems and therefore, the situations you attract in your life. You will learn how to program your mind to live out the very existence that you choose. But above all, you can find peace and harmony from within by incorporating meditation into your daily routine.

Their philosophy is to live, train, and coach others how to achieve a better life through the pure essence of love. This technique allows us to work with the Creator, the energy from which we have originated, to help attain harmony in our mind, body and spirit.

In a ThetaHealing class, you will learn how to use this mind-body-energy healing technique that uses Universal life force energy to produce instant and permanent change. This results in physical, emotional and spiritual transformation and the ability to master your life!

The Tarot Card reading opened up some possibilities to further improve myself if I could figure out who the people that could help me become my best.

Sometimes, we less realize that there maybe significant personalities around us that we take for granted but would be able to help us on our way to success. Opening up is part of the ways to enhance ourselves by considering alternatives and opportunities that we once ignore or could not comprehend. Maybe, there is some inaccuracy but it won't hurt us if we give it a try. Who knows, it may just ne the link we need to finally connect with our inner radiance.

Well, I've had longer and better massage, but it should be mentioned that the few minutes I experienced was soothing enough to relax me. I would love to experience one whole hour of the massage so I could fully rate it.

The food served at the Chakra Cafe, including the drinks, both coffee and juices, were all delish. I would prefer a small servings of sumptuous dishes rather than huge ones that are not even memorable enough to the palate.

You will also learn how to heal your body naturally from pain, disease, and dysfunctions as well as correct the faulty belief systems that created the disease & disorder in your life/body in the first place. The class is a personal transformative journey that leads you towards emotional cleansing and spiritual well-being.

Use it to improve your relationships, to be successful at work or at home, to manifest the resources you need, to improve your finances, to free yourself from past karma or challenging situations, to correct negative patterns in your life, and ultimately to become a healthier, happier and better person... finally, get all your spiritual answers through divine knowledge and connection! 

Chakra Cafe
ThetaHealing Room
Training Room
Spa and Massage Room
There is a saying that we are what we eat, and though our bodies compensate with how our metabolism works, our hereditary origins or genes, our lifestyle and daily routines, still our body is a temple especially if we treat it right. Thus, it is not only in the food we eat but on everything that we do from the moment we wake up to the time we sleep. This includes our beliefs, motivations and outlook in life. If we are more on the positive side, all that good vibes would eventually reflect on our bodies. The benefits one can get from are numerous - improvement in the quality of sleep, better ability to cope with stress, more focus, inner peace and healing, especially for the troubled and depressed.

Though I also thrive on negativeness, I cannot deny the fact that I also get affected in one way or another. The realities of this world could sometimes be cruel and tragic, so we could need the help of the services offered by The Third Eye Wellness Center that offers an almost complete methods in bringing out the best in us.


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  3. During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a catholic priest named Eliphas Levi incorporated tarot cards into his occult writings of magic.https://wingedwizard.com/2019/11/30/6-most-accurate-love-tarot-readings-for-free/

  4. Tarot card reading invariably conjures up visions of 'that' old gypsy women sitting in front of her crystal ball in a misty room full of weird things. The word 'Tarot' itself has that aura of mystery around it since no one knows exactly where or when Tarot reading originated. Most of the recorded history of the tarot cards comes from Italy, although historians are sure of its existence much before that. 3 card tarot

  5. Despite its long history, many fans of the art of Tarot still wonder about its true origins and power of prediction.

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    2. What is your personal attitude towards reading Tarot cards? Why does it attract you?
    3. Do you have any personal experience using tarot cards for predicting the future or as a tool for self-discovery?
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