Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Madam Secretary Punches Lecherous Philippine President in the Face

Wazzup Pilipinas!

On a future episode (Season 3 Episode 15) of CBS TV series' Madam Secretary, the show featured the Secretary of State punching Datu Andrada, the lecherous President of Philippines, in the face.

Elizabeth McCord (Tea Leoni) is shocked when the Philippines’ unconventional new president, Datu Andrada (Joel de la Fuente), makes a pass at her during their meeting to discuss his refusal to participate in an Asia-Pacific territory treaty. So she slaps him in the face!

The Philippine government is terrified of its own reflection, even in fiction!

I remember the defense of some ka-DDS (i.e., Mocha and Sass) about fiction as art. But now they attack Madam Secretary?

Well, the truth really hurts for many in the Philippines most especially for those pro-Duterte fanatics.

I wonder if Filipinos will be able to complain with a straight face that the fictional PH President in Madam Secretary is a sexual harasser.

Let me guess what comes next: Persona non grata for the cast ng Madam Secretary? Congressional hearing? Biblical quotes?

Madam Secretary should really edit the scene where the President was punched. I believe it should include a House Speaker, a PNP Chief, and some senators.

The other things that are wrong in that Madam Secretary clip:

1. Duterte goes with the long sleeved barong rolled up.
2. His face isn't bloody enough.

Duts: Fuck all human decency in any shape and form.
DDS: Now this is a real man!
*Madam Secretary shows leery Duts*
DDS: Hold on a sec!

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