Friday, December 2, 2016

Wazzup Pilipinas to Receive Hall of Fame Award at NCCAA on December 6

Wazzup Pilipinas!

From being a personal blog, to a community blog, and finally to take on the role as the "Pambansang Blog ng Pilipinas" - a title we initially used to jokingly poke fun at ourselves for our untiring effort to help out our government agencies in sharing their news and announcements, which we eventually took seriously since we saw how necessary it was to disseminate such pertinent information for the benefit of our countrymen. 

Aside from echoing the accomplishments, we also never stopped criticizing as well to remain sincere and in touch with reality. We believe that the people need to know more about what our government is doing so they can be somehow involved in the nation-building.

Wazzup Pilipinas has definitely gone a long way. Our overwhelming journey continues as it never really ends. It will be a book with never-ending chapters that would go on through several lifetimes and significantly sustained throughout history. Here we can say "May Forever!"

We acknowledge that it was never a smooth ride from the very start, but we appreciate every road block and obstacle along the way because it challenged us to either look for better paths or straighten the road we travel on.

We cherish every recognition, as well as every criticism, since they help mold us to shape up and incorporate every opinion towards making our site dynamic and flexible to the demands of valued fans and critics that are actively engaged. We truly encourage everyone to keep the feedback coming.

We are indeed grateful for being a Hall of Fame Awardee at the NATIONAL CUSTOMERS’ CHOICE ANNUAL AWARDS (NCCAA) who conferred to us the ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for our significant and noteworthy success and accomplishment in "MULTI MEDIA ADVERTISING AND OPINION BLOGGING."

"This recognition celebrates the untiring endeavor and dedicated perseverance of an Individual through Innovation, Strategic Thinking, and Visionary Leadership from the public and private sector. This is not only for CEO’s or High Profile Executives but is aimed at those who have made management their profession - who have had an extraordinary impact on their organization's/company’s financial success through forward thinking strategies. As a professional, you understand there are many roles to play in achieving exceptional results, developing strong team dynamics and inspiring others to greatness."
We would like to thank the NCCAA council for another proud achievement for our site.

Needless to say, we owe it all to our beloved readers, partners, collaborators, correspondents, contributors and other individuals who in one way or another has contributed to the success of WAZZUP PILIPINAS

Thank you all for the continued trust.

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