Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monitor Your Health in Real-Time with the Helo Smart Wristband

Wazzup Pilipinas!

We cannot deny that we worry a lot about our health because of so many possible sickness that we may encounter during our lifetime. With every advancement in technology for just about anything, there seems to be a new virus or bacteria that evolves or mutates to produce a new disease.

Thus, we are not really sure nowadays if we are still in tough shape because at any time we may succumb to poor health if we take our bodies for granted. 

We even hear of athletes going down while performing their regular routines. There are runners who get into a heart attack in the middle of a run, there are swimmers who drown because of sudden fatigue, and many other horror stories even for the seemingly physically fit.

This is why there are people who also design cures or remedy for situations like these in order to prevent their occurrences.

Say HELO Philippines! The latest innovation in the health monitoring gadget, HELO is a smart wristband that you can wear 24/7 to monitor your vital signs real-time, providing data that can be used to improve your lifestyle choices leading to a healthier well-being and physical condition, and better life. Helo is equipped to monitor your blood pressure, breath rate, heart rate, and ECG. It has fitness functionality to record your number of steps, distance and calories burned. It monitors your mood and levels of fatigue. For emergencies, simply press the *Panic Button located on the side. Change the way you live.

The product is already available online.... and the people responsible are in the process of bringing the product here in the Philippines.

#HELOph #HealthMonitoringDevice #HealthyOptions #Healthvestment Please follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @HELO_phofficial

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HELO.phofficial/

1 comment:

  1. No creo que nada cambie de pedir un medicamento convencional. ¡Su elección debe recaer en comprar cialis generico online y nada más! Después de todo, este es exactamente el remedio que todos los hombres aman por su ayuda
