Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Avida Shares Expert Investment Tips With 'Project Homepossible'

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Leading property developer, Avida Land, holds an exclusive seminar and home fair on managing and growing your life assets with PROJECT HOMEPOSSIBLE: Get Creative with Your Own Money, Your Own Space, Your Own Life. Don't miss this one of a kind opportunity to discover creative ways on how you can manage your personal assets.

Industry experts Leila Hernandez, Edric Mendoza, and Rosario Carbonelle will share their valuable knowledge on the different possibilities of handling and maximizing your finances and investing in your first home or office. Learn decorating tips as well from one the country's celebrity interior designers, Marilen Faustino-Montenegro.

Exclusive perks and premium gifts await guests. Secure your seats now and pre-register via

PROJECT HOMEPOSSIBLE will be held on Saturday, October 11 at the Grand Ballroom of Intercontinental Hotel in Makati City. Registration starts at 10AM

To know more about this event just visit or

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