Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Real Filipina: Morena, Mestiza, Chinita or Negra?

Wazzup Pilipinas!

Most of the time I feel we are a confused race. This is because when most of the people from the other areas of the globe wants to go to the tropical countries to get a tan and darken their skin, we are obsessed with getting white, and if possible white as snow, because majority of us were brainwashed in thinking a white complexion is the most appealing.

If you'll visit the other side of the world, there are no such thing as a glutathione search or skin whitening mania. We should be proud of our own color. The real Filipina complexion is the morena or negra, not the mestiza, not the chinita. I would be very proud if I belong to the first two skin hues.

Since we were conquered by the other races, and many Filipinos are crossing the boundaries of relationships among other nationalities, we now have a mixed citizenship. Would you believe that Filipinos nowadays are more proud if they have half-nationalities. The mixed breeds are flaunting their foreign bloods. They feel more esteemed when they can say they are half-Spanish, quarter-American, or one eight of Chinese.

Indeed, they are special since when we Filipinos merge with other races, we become more distinctive, we look more different, we sound so elite. This is why many are obsessed to change how they look. They change their hair color, they undergo plastic surgery for a pointier nose, they buy all the whitening soaps and creams, ...and they marry foreigners just because they want children that look nothing like them.

But when you say true Filipino or Filipina, I believe it is not with how you look or sound. It is all about how you feel, and what you believe in. I heard about the foreigner who wanted to be adopted as a Filipino. May it be a gimmick to attract attention, there is no surprise if he really wants to be more like a Filipino.

Filipinos are more than the color of their skin. It is more than how great looking your eyes and nose are. It is more than how you talk or act. It is all in the mind.

The real Filipino color is not yellow, or red, or green, or blue, or whatever affiliations or associations you may have. We should not be judged from our origins, but by our current actions meant for the future of the Philippines.


  1. I love how this article said what most people forget today: being a Filipino is more than the color or their skin. I honestly think that what's in the heart is greater than what's in the blood.

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