Saturday, November 30, 2013

Exercise is a Must for Everybody

Wazzup Pilipinas! 

This is the generation where we don't pay that attention for our health, we are too busy experimenting our gadgets, technology is changing our routines, making our life easier. Anyway the thing is, our body is craving for a lot of exercise, children, adults, it doesn't matter how old you are. We should initiate ourselves to make a change in our routine, spare a few minutes or hours for simple exercises.

Physical fitness is being healthy. To be healthy you must exercise, eat right and sleep good. When somebody is physically fit they fell better about themselves and they feel better. Persons who are physically fit are persons who are confident of themselves. People who are not physically fit are people who are main targets of bullies, they often call them fat, I personally don't consider skinny people as healthy persons. They also need to do exercise and eat healthy in order to provide the nutrients their body craves.
There are numerous forms of exercise, it's just not limited to lifting weights, and all the suffering. There are hidden ways of exercise that you can actually enjoy, such as dancing, swimming, running, gymnastics, boxing, etc. You don't need to suffer just to be fit, you need to exercise to be physically, emotionally, and mentally fit

Contributed by: Lois Nicole Baguio


  1. We should remember that our health should be prioritized. Especially nowadays, we get sick easily. Being fit and healthy will always be a nice way to fight different disease for us to be more productive.

  2. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person's risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. These diseases, which used to be found mostly in adults, are becoming more common in teens.
