Monday, June 24, 2013

Naked Girl Protests in Brazil

Wazzup Pilipinas!

What you see above is a naked girl with only her head covered.
Her natural nude body represent the beauty of the land of Brazil, tangled with bar wire representing the strong hand of the government causing the body to bleed.

She is in protests against the Nascituro (unborn child) Project, in BRAZIL. Government, supported by the right wing and religious parties, propose the compulsory registration of every pregnancy.

Intense protests are taking place by feminist and human rights groups. This law, if approved, is UNconstitutional, violates women's right to privacy and threatens their already limited reproductive rights.
Yes she does need to be naked just precisely to prove a point. Nobody owns our bodies, nobody but us, nobody has the right to cast judgment on what is our body.

ks about being decent - Oh my goodness what era do we belong to? Get a grip, there is nothing shameful about the human body, there is everything shameful about dogma and ideology that seeks to punish people for being people. The human body is not a sin. How people treat others sometimes is the only shame. Love and let be.

I think it's interesting that some people only comment on her nudity. She is a human being. Making a statement. Her body and her privacy are up for question, why would she not stand nude and strong as the woman that she is. Obviously it called for attention and that was the point. That her body would be scrutinized in front of the government. So, you scrutinize as well. Get with the program. The world is changing and some areas are not changing for the better. I appreciate her courage and her stand. Congratulations on pointing out the obviously nude woman. Read the message, not her sexualized nudity.
If you find this to be funny or embarrassing then you're missing the point. This took tremendous courage and humility.

People here saying "Why naked", " She doesn't prove a point".

Do you even know anything about the Brazilian constitution ?!? Did you know women get raped on the daily basis and they cannot get a legal abortion? The law are trying to implant states that the embryo has human rights as an embryo, taking away all the rights from the woman herself, estates that every pregnancy must be registered and if an abortion occurs even a spontaneous one, she might get prosecuted for it as she will be investigated. It also abolishes the after pill as it would be classified as a direct method of murder. Women victims of rape would get help from government to bring up the child, if they come forward to the police naming the suspect, which most times, is shameful or dangerous.

YES SHE HAD TO BE NAKED!!! Because in Brazil , women , specially poor and black women do not have a voice ! We do have to fight to be heard to be seen, to be taken into consideration ! READ ABOUT THEIR CONSTITUTION BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING !

This particular law project has been created by two men who are neither doctors or have uterus. Instead, they have been heavily supported by the church specially Catholicism.
This project claims that any fecundated egg will have civil rights given by the state. No abortion will be allowed (neither by rape or danger to women's health), in fact if it is by rape: the state will pay a minimum wage to the mother till the child reaches 18. And if she wishes, the rapist name can be on birth certificate too.
If by any chance an abortion happens, she will be investigated by the State and face prosecution. 

Bare in mind, 75% of the countries in the world already adopted legal abortion mostly already legalized. If Brazil passes this project, not only goes against the Commission of Medicine but the most retro-ceded in the world.
I do think that pussy riot can have a colonial logic, in Brazil though this is not the case. In this sense are all those comments, particularly of men judging a woman or women judging a woman in another context about her nakedness purely paternalistic, reactionary and sexist! shame on you, you are not better than Feliciano and his Christian fundamentalist gang, you defend change but repress women's rights.Issue at hand is not that she is naked the issue is the cause she is standing up for.

I think the cause is important. Furthermore, why are we so ashamed to see a naked women or men?

We use to live naked in earlier days. That's where we came from. There are numerous tribes in the world where people still live naked. We are ashamed of nudity because we are use to cloths.

How many women are raped even if when they are wearing clothes?
Yesterday there were 3 women who were robbed first and then they were paraded naked in the town. I know they will not get justice but when a women willingly takes her cloth off to protest we start questioning her intentions and morality! Why?

Government institutions are watching our moves they are getting into our bedrooms (the most intimate place). But we are afraid to protest against that government naked? Who decides?

I salute her courage to be naked in this society and commend her efforts for better living place.


  1. "I salute her courage to be naked in this society and commend her efforts for better living place."

    It makes me think why I still have not read a comment or two when, aside from the picture, the whole article is supposed to be informative and catchy.

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